Next time you light a candle either because your lights went out (definitely a possibility with our crazy New Jersey weather) or you are just looking to relax, we know some will have more appreciation for what went into getting that flame going!!!!!
Many older groups actually made candles at Stonybrook Day Camp this summer. Our Arts & Crafts specialists selected crystal wax as their medium for making the candles. Using crystal wax is a very safe method since it doesn’t involve campers having to actually melt the wax. Campers first select their crystal colors and then design their pattern. The next step is to mix the crystals and pour them into jars. Specialists then light the wick and melt wax on top. Once all of the wax melts, it creates a seal, which holds the crystals in and allows it to continue burning.
Excited with the beautiful candle patters, our campers were inspired to get even more creative with the outside of their candle jars. Some decorated with stickers, others with foam letters spelling out their name. They all came out fabulous and our campers really enjoyed the process every step of the way. And, if you need to light candles, please try to select a different one…. these are true works of art, and in our opinion, these deserve some display time on the mantle, entryway or bookshelf!
Don't forget to check out to see all of the pictures from camp!
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