As we near the end of another summer at Stonybrook Day Camp, our campers add another year under their belts…. or bathing suits or soffe shorts! For many, the numbers of years at camp are impressive!!!!! 5, 10, 11, 12 years (and that is just the campers….. some of the staff are returning for their 15th, 17th, 49th, etc). So, what is it about Stonybrook that keeps them coming back for more?…. We decided to ask!
Andrew W, a 13 year old Randolph resident, is completing his 11th summer at camp. He loves his camp friends, all camp sports and the Challenge Course. He completed his second year on Teen Xtreme. Last year he enjoyed the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Cedar Point Amusement Park. This year he liked spending the night at Inner Harbor when visiting Baltimore. When asked what keeps him coming back he told us that there are always new things to do at camp. And while there are always new people to meet, he feels like he knows everyone. In fact, he has been coming here for so long that he feels like he has practically grown up at Stonybrook.
Sadie C, a 3rd grader from Mountain Lakes, is completing her third summer at camp. The Big Zip at the Challenge Course is her favorite activity. What keeps her coming back from year to year? It is a simple concept- Camp is just fun!! Her friends are great and she loves the counselors.
Adam C is a 4th grader from Randolph returns for this 6th summer. His favorite activities are baseball, Jumping Pillow, Super Science and Boating & Fishing. He also loves Eco-Adventure, which is a new program at camp this year. When asked to elaborate, he explained that he loves interacting with the environment and seeing how change happens. One day at Eco-Adventure he saw a tadpole and it only had hind legs… a few days later it had front legs and a tail…. A few days after that it became a frog! He is looking forward to trips next year as a Trailblazer, and he is excited because as he gets older, there will be even more new things to do at camp.
Joey R, a CIT from Livingston, completes her 12th year at Stonybrook Day Camp this year. With many good memories and friends, she considers camp her home away from home! She has always been close with her counselors, and now as a CIT, she loves working with children. Spirit Week has always been a consistent highlight of her summer. Her groups always created the most intense dances. And there is also nothing like the energy of Color War. Cooking has been a favorite activity; she loves how everything cooks faster in the magic oven! And while there are lots of consistent things about camp, she also loves how camp is always changing things up and keeping it fresh… new things are introduced each year…. This year campers enjoyed new shows including the Reptile Show and Pirates & Princesses…. Campers enjoyed a new basketball court…..Campers got to go to Dairy Queen for winning Spirit Week and sky divers broke Color War… camp has you always wondering what’s coming next?
Brothers Matt and Zach K, 10 and 13 years old, are from Parsippany and love spending their summers at Stonybrook. Matt, completing his 6th summer, loves camp sports including baseball and basketball. And when asked to explain what he likes the most about camp, he was concise- I just like it here. The counselors and my camp friends are great. Zach who is completing 11th summer at camp and his 2nd year on Teen Xtreme has had a great time on the trips. He loved seeing colleges in Baltimore and touring the baseball stadium and Inner Harbor. Also concise, he just really loves it here.
Danny H, a Livingston resident, is completing his 5th year at camp. In addition to Color War and Carnival, he loves Rocketry, ATVs and Challenge Course. He plans on coming back to camp for years to come so he can hang with his friends and attend Trailblazers and Teen Xtreme. Seeing his brothers, Zach and Josh enjoy these programs, he is hooked. He wants to go on the big trips, but still enjoy the perks of camp life like ice cream at the end of the day and some heated games of Four Square.
Zach K, from Randolph, is completing his 8th summer at camp and this year participated in Trailblazers. He loves playing baseball and always enjoys the camp food, especially dessert! He loves his camp friends and always enjoys meeting new counselors and seeing some favorite returning ones. What has kept him coming back for 8 years… There were always new things to do or try. He loved being able to ride the ATVs and enjoyed Eco-Adventure, which was a new program (and Stony and Brook, the camp bunnies who were also new to camp).
Kelsey N, a Randolph resident, is completing her 6th summer at Stonybrook. She participated in Trailblazers this year and she loves Challenge Course, ATVs, swim and Arts & Crafts. She has fabulous summers at camp and she has lots of great friends (both counselors and campers). When asked why she comes back year after year, she just said it just feels like she should come back because it is always so much fun. In fact, she plans on coming back till she is old enough to be a Senior Counselor!!!!!
Having spoken with many about their summers at camp there seems to be some consistent key themes. The friends made at camp are like no other; our counselors are incredibly supportive and fun; and while it is a familiar place, there are always new things happening at camp. We love that the number of campers with impressive numbers of years logged at camp keeps growing, but what we really love is hearing why! It is enough to get us motivated to start planning next summer as soon as this summer ends….. we gotta keep them guessing and wanting more Stonybrook Day Camp! We hope to see you back next summer!
Don't forget to check out http://www.stonybrookdaycamp.smugmug.com to see all of the pictures from camp!