Children attending ranged in age from only a few months old (so many adorable babies) to teens, and there were many triplet and twin strollers on camp grounds. Attendees enjoyed face painting, pony rides, ambulance tours, arts n’ crafts, jumpy pillow and the Circle Time Live Band. The theme of the day was pirates and princesses and some attendees came dressed to impress, including a set of coordinating triplet princesses and a set of twin babies in princess and pirate onesies.
While this event requires
a great deal of coordination and planning, Stonybrook is thrilled to be involved because many of us at camp have seen first hand how hard NICU babies fight to thrive during their early days and how challenging the experience can be on a family. While Morristown’s Neonatal group, Mid Atlantic Neonatology Associates, sponsors the event, the camp is donated for the day in honor of Roger Black’s niece and nephew, Alexis and Andrew Rubinstein.
The twins, who attended Stonybrook this past summer, were born 3 months premature and spent their first 2 months in Morristown’s NICU. The hospital provided high quality care and a family-centered approach that guided and welcomed family involvement. The Rubinstein family felt lucky to have the support and guidance of many caring professionals while their babies were dealing with issues related to prematurity. In fact, seeing the twins confidently board the bus to go to camp this past summer made it seem like the NICU experience had been a lifetime away. But it wasn’t….. it was about 4 years ago that two early arrivals connected a hospital and a camp together. Having Uncle Roger involved in the picnic planning is only a small way to say thank you for two incredibly happy campers, who couldn’t get enough of the Teddy Bear group this past summer. They specifically miss the zip line (Alexis), swimming/sports (Andrew) and their many, many, many camp friends.
And Andrew and Alexis were not the only Stonybrook campers at this event. Our camp is connected to the NICU through multiple families and that makes it even more special for us.

The twins, who attended Stonybrook this past summer, were born 3 months premature and spent their first 2 months in Morristown’s NICU. The hospital provided high quality care and a family-centered approach that guided and welcomed family involvement. The Rubinstein family felt lucky to have the support and guidance of many caring professionals while their babies were dealing with issues related to prematurity. In fact, seeing the twins confidently board the bus to go to camp this past summer made it seem like the NICU experience had been a lifetime away. But it wasn’t….. it was about 4 years ago that two early arrivals connected a hospital and a camp together. Having Uncle Roger involved in the picnic planning is only a small way to say thank you for two incredibly happy campers, who couldn’t get enough of the Teddy Bear group this past summer. They specifically miss the zip line (Alexis), swimming/sports (Andrew) and their many, many, many camp friends.
And Andrew and Alexis were not the only Stonybrook campers at this event. Our camp is connected to the NICU through multiple families and that makes it even more special for us.
One additional observation to share….. many attendees do not yet go to summer camp and it was the first time they were experiencing the joy of Stonybrook…. But there was something familiar…... The pure happiness and exhilaration…. The smiles and the laughter….. it truly felt like how a camp day should be.
Don't forget to check out see all of the pictures from camp!
Don't forget to check out see all of the pictures from camp!
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