1. Choose 1 new colorful fruit or vegetable to taste each week. You never know what new flavor you will enjoy. The vitamins and minerals associated with colors can help with memory, healing, eyesight, and building strong bones and muscles.
2. Treat you and your family to a new cookbook. Choose recipes with your children, shop for the ingredients together, and cook as a family.
3. Tear out healthy recipes from magazines and keep them in a small file in your car. This way, w

4. Plant your own garden. Experiment with different fruits, vegetables and herbs. Easy ones to grow and care for are: tomatoes, raspberries, basil, thyme, chives, and oregano. Have your children help to water and harvest them.
5. Take the time to taste and enjoy the individual flavors in food. Many times we eat so quickly and end up eating larger portions and more calories. Savor and enjoy.
You can sign up for Shari’s free nutrition e-newsletter called “Nutrition Inspirations” by emailing her at: Shari@NutrifactsForYou.com
Shari Bilt Boockvar, MS, RD founded Nutrifacts, Inc. in 1993 and specializes in nutrition counseling for pediatrics, weight control, sports/fitness, and medical management. Shari has appeared on local and national new stations such as Fox News Network, CBS, FOX and NBC. She has also contributed to magazines and websites such as Allure, Shape, Fitness and FoxNews.com. She provides quality nutrition services to individuals and corporations around the country.

Visit www.NutrifactsForYou.com for more information on Shari and her nutrition services.
Don't forget to check out http://www.stonybrookdaycamp.smugmug.com to see all of the pictures from camp!